February 2016 Board Meeting Minutes

The following text are the minutes from the SMCT Board Meeting on February 13, 2016. Click the link below for a downloadable PDF version.

SMCT Board Meeting Minutes 13 February 2016 (public)


SMCT Board Meeting Minutes – February 2015

February 13th, 2015, 10:00am Benjamin Eddy Building, Foster, RI

Members present (voting members in bold): Dennis Chretien, Shane Inman, Eric Dubois, Liz Dubois, Leslie Carter, Nikki Boss, Chris Brostrup-Jensen, Kaila Rubin, Carol Mauro

Meeting Begins – 10:12am

Executive Director

-Youth Protection Guidelines

-Form needs duplicate pages for SMCT and signatory

-There should be a way to keep track of who has/hasn’t signed the form

-Content-wise, form is comprehensive

Motion to adopt Youth Protection Guidelines form as is – Seconded/Passed

-Production guidelines

-Should be production-by-production basis, signed off by board member each time

-“without exception” clause of attendance requirement to be slightly altered to allow small amount of leeway so long as production team is notified well in advance

-Bridge Builder should be explicitly mentioned in portions regarding conflict resolution

-Wording of document should be tightened

-“Social Media” should be moved farther down, “Youth Protection” moved up

-Playground poses liability problem, children must be watched at all times

-Andy pointed out that ultimate responsibility should rest with the parents, not Swamp Meadow

-Paine School playground is completely off-limits due to lack of visibility

-Form will be edited and resubmitted

-Next policy meeting will revolve around coordinating database

-Must be improved to allow easier sorting of people interested in different roles

-No updates on Paine School negotiations, last word indicated they were willing to reduce charge for Tom Sawyer to 5% and waive charge for Halloween event



-Andy was hoping to give at least a few people heart attacks, but was vetoed by the board

-“Loud noises” disclaimer will be added to poster or pre-show announcement

-Andy wants to offer discount for active or retired service members

-Discount would be equal to student and senior discount

-Problem may arise in determining who is legitimatey eligible

Motion to adopt service member discount for M*A*S*H – Seconded/Passed

-May encourage people to attend show in uniform, though definite incentives will not be offered

-Contract for M*A*S*H is AWOL, Chris will track it down


-Emily Carter is currently occupied with other productions, but has laid the framework for Seussical and will be ready to move forward soon

-Bob Hollis is being considered for Bridge Builder

-USO Show

-Will it have a Bridge Builder?

-This will need to be discussed with Artie Robillard, the director

-Next season

-Chris still needs to speak to the people behind potential shows before a final decision can be made

-It would be ideal to have the season decided in time to be promoted alongside promotion of M*A*S*H

-At next creative meeting, unplugged, dinner theatre, etc. will also be considered

Motion to approve selection proposed by creative team in advance – Seconded/Passed

-Creative Studio

-Disclaimers regarding language, violence, etc will be added to descriptions of Creative Studio videos as needed

-Standards for acceptability and quality must be set for potential future projects

-Andy suggests Creative Director should oversee Creative Studio productions

-Filming of most recent CAST video was never completed

-Training is still needed

-Future projects should have one definite person in charge to guide production

-Discussion of how to move projects from editing stage to uploading stage can wait until M*A*S*H is completed


-Date must be chosen for Foster Follies

-Schedule is already behind where it has been in previous years

-Nikki will assume responsibility for making necessary preparations

-Possibility of auction in combination with Follies will be pursued

Public Relations

-New website is up and running, is mobile-compatible

-Mention of “swampmeadow@aol.com” address on website needs to be annihilated

-Email has been moved to new host

-New host has maximum of five free mailing lists, extras cost a monthly fee

-Approval is required for every message sent, regardless of past approval


-Meryn has submitted proposal for community-building grant to allow construction of small outdoor performance space

-Likely to be approved

-New library director wants to work together on plans

-Only a possibility if additional money is obtained


-Upgrading Q-lab would cost extra

-Still necessary

Motion to upgrade Q-lab – Seconded/Passed

Meeting adjourned – 12:08pm